Monday, 26 May 2014

Working at Essential - The Conclusion

Working at Essential has been productive, engaging and thoroughly enjoyable. I feel that I have grown in my creative abilities, having to think outside the box and use my intuition to solve daily problems. From visual merchandising to customer service, the experience at Essential has equalled my previous knowledge on fashion retail from working in other stores in Bournemouth and having read literature and reported on the subject, I feel that I am well equipped for higher roles in the industry in future.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Ring Sizing

New rings or rings without tags need to be sized on the ring sizer which measures the interior diameter in alphabetical order from small to large. Once the ring has been sized, a sticker is attached with the size letter, the product code and the price and it is placed in size order on the ring boards. As there are so many rings, this procedure is done to maintain tidiness and organisation.